We’re Going to China!

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Yunann Province, China

March 1st – 11th, 2013 

The trip is open to anyone worldwide.

Join us on this Habitat for Humanity Global Village trip and turn your compassion into action, see a breathtaking part of the world, and learn about Chinese culture from a unique perspective.

No previous construction experience, or work with Habitat for Humanity required! Just pack a great attitude, adaptability, flexibility, and a desire to experience new things.

We’ll spend our time building a home, a community and friendships

Yunann province is known for its outstanding natural scenery and the strong cultural identity of its ethnic minority groups. Due to frequent natural disasters, Yunann is also one of China’s least developed provinces.

Stone Forest, Kunming

The majority of families living in rural areas make their living from subsistence farming. Many live in primitive homes made of mud-brick walls and ceramic tile roofs. The houses have no sanitation or ventilation systems, and often both the family and livestock share space inside the home. The houses are uncomfortable, unhygienic, and vulnerable to the floods and earthquakes that regularly hit the area.

Hani Village, Yunnan Province

As a Habitat for Humanity Global Village volunteer, you will make a difference and transform the lives of the people in Yunann. Global Village teams lift families out of poverty by helping the community build affordable and decent homes. Every brick you lay and every wall you build helps change the lives of  families in need of help, and you provide these families hope for a better future. Nothing is more important.

Click here to visit the Habitat for Humanity Global Village page for this trip.

[Portions of this entry are from a welcome letter prepared for Habitat for Humanity volunteers by Mr. Kester Yim, Managing Director, Habitat for Humanity China].